Why You Should Consider Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy

Most people believe that the only solution to chronic pain is surgery or taking pain-relieving medicines. However, the doctor of osteopathic Medicine Cary, NC, from Generations Family Practice, proves this belief wrong by exposing the benefits of the non-invasive osteopathic manipulation therapy. This approach triggers your body’s healing abilities to restore proper joint functioning.
What is osteopathic manipulation?
Osteopathic manipulation involves using hands-on manual techniques to rectify musculoskeletal problems, promote circulation and minimize pain naturally. During osteopathic manipulation therapy, your provider employs different approaches that manipulate, stretch and move your joints and muscles, improving their functioning.
Your provider may also exert pressure and use slow or quick sudden motions to increase your range of motion. This technique is painless but if you experience pain or discomfort, inform your physician immediately.
Osteopathic manipulation improves your body’s functioning and general health without surgery or medications. The treatment stimulates your body’s natural healing powers, ensuring that your muscles and bones are correctly balanced and aligned.
Who can benefit from osteopathic manipulation?
The specialists at Generations Family Practice recommend osteopathic manipulation for patients with chronic lower back pain. This treatment technique is safe and effective for everyone, including babies and older adults. If pregnant, you can talk to your doctor about osteopathic manipulation to relieve back pain and improve the quality of your sleep.
Infants with colic can also benefit from this procedure. While this treatment may be safe and effective for everyone, bone cancer or osteoporosis diagnosis may disqualify you from undergoing this treatment. Sharing your health history with your provider before your treatment is crucial to prevent significant complications.
How does your doctor prepare you for osteopathic manipulation?
Your physician may discuss your symptoms, health concerns, and general lifestyle. You may also need to disclose details about your mental health, diet, sleep habits, and activity level. The team uses this information to understand how your lifestyle influences your general health and wellness. Your provider may also press or touch several parts of your body to evaluate the severity of your symptoms. They may then request imaging studies such as MRI or X-ray to understand your health better.
What should you expect during osteopathic manipulation therapy?
You may need to stand up, lie, or sit on an exam table during your therapy. The team may then examine your soft tissues and muscles by moving your limbs in several directions. There are numerous OMT techniques, but the severity of your symptoms determines the method your doctor uses.
The team may request you roll to your side, pull your knees to your chest, or lie, depending on the type of therapy. These positions allow the team to move your joints and stretch your muscles, restoring their proper alignment and balance. You may also need to hold and release your breath at specified intervals. Your therapy may include slow or fast, sudden movements which may feel awkward or strange, but they should be painless.
Call the Generations Family Practice office or book an appointment online to explore the excellent results of osteopathic manipulation.