What Happens Before, During, and After MRI Scan

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique of radiology that utilizes a computer, radio waves, and powerful magnetism to produce detailed imaging of body structures and organs. Unlike X-rays and a computerized tomography (CT) scan, the functioning of the MRI ensures it provides enough information and does not rely on ionizing radiation carrying potential risks. A Medford MRI scanner is helpful in accurately detecting the issue affecting your body. It can detect spinal cord issues, brain tumors, breast cancer, liver illness, and congenital malformations in the uterus.
Because there are a lot of uses for magnetic resonance imaging technology, there is a high chance of benefiting from its use at some point in your life when facing a health issue. For that reason, it is vital to understand what you should expect.
Before a scan
There is not that much preparation involved. You may need to use the clothing that the hospital provides. Also, you should not go for scanning when you have any metallic objects with you, like jewelry and a watch, that can affect the scanner’s working. That also means if you have a foreign, metallic thing in your body, such as a bullet, shrapnel, or other devices provided by doctors, there is less chance of having an effective MRI scan.
Furthermore, if you are a person that tends to be nervous when in a closed space, inform your health specialist in advance. A solution can involve taking a sedative medicine to make you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Your orthopedic specialist should familiarize you with the process of MRI scanning.
On the day of the procedure, you will be taken to an MRI room and assisted to rest on the scanner table. The medical team or specialist supplies the material you need to lie comfortably.
You may have to use earplugs, popular with children, to avoid hearing the scanner’s noise. Listening to music instead of the scanner’s noise is an excellent way of calming your nerves and making you feel less anxious.
During a scan
Once inside the scanner, the orthopedic specialist or the magnetic resonance imaging technician communicates with you through an intercommunication device to ensure you are relaxed and ready for the exercise. Assume a motionless posture, so there is no disruption or interference when the scanner is capturing images.
The scanning should last between 20 minutes to one hour, depending on the number of images captured and the body part subjected to analysis.
Whenever you do not feel comfortable, communicate with the technician to stop the procedure.
After a scan
Your medical specialist will keenly look at the high-quality images and decide whether they provide sufficient information or more should be taken. Then, you will go home and let the MRI technologist or radiologic study the pictures further and make a conclusive report.
When the report is ready, your doctor will call you for an appointment and interpret the imaging test results.
Contact Southern Oregon Orthopedics & Paragon Orthopedic Center for diagnosis of Orthopedic injuries and conditions using the MRI scan.