Stunning Facts About Hip Labrum Tears or Injuries

Have you been experiencing persistent groin and hip pain? Usually, the two are key signs that Labrum tears might be the cause of your pain. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult your care provider, who will examine your hip and groin area and request some imaging tests to help confirm the diagnosis before designing a treatment plan. You can therefore hunt for a hip labrum Los Angeles conservative treatment option to help promote the healing of your labrum tears, thus alleviating any pain you might be experiencing. Other surprising facts you need to know concerning labrum tears or injuries include:
How can you tell you have a hip labral tear?
In most cases, if you get a hip labral tear, you usually experience pain extending to your buttocks or groin, hip pain, hip joint stiffness, a locking sensation or clicking sound when you move your hip, and a feeling of wanting to give out your hip. However, you should know that not everyone with a hip labral tear usually experiences symptoms. Still, most care providers perform exams to help rule out other possible causes of your hip pain. Doing so enables them to develop a diagnosis, especially if you are experiencing hip joint stiffness or discomfort.
What are some of the causes of hip labral tears?
A hip labral tear can be due to repetitive motions of your hip joint resulting in tear and wear of the hip labrum. It can also be caused by a traumatic injury common among athletes. In other cases, a hip labral tear can be due to other underlying hip conditions such as hip impingement or osteoarthritis of the hip.
What are some of the symptoms of a hip labral tear?
Some common symptoms of hip labral tears include stiffness during hip movement, deep groin pain, buttock pain, especially on the side with the injured hip, hip pain, and a feeling of locking during hip joint movement. Therefore, if you begin experiencing any of the above symptoms, ensure you consult your care provider and receive the best treatment that will provide relief and restore hip joint function.
How can hip labral tears be diagnosed?
Your care provider begins with history taking followed by a physical examination to help them come up with a diagnosis. During history taking, they usually inquire about your symptoms and also ask whether you might have had an injury that could be the cause of your symptoms. Your care provider may also order imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRIs, to help confirm the diagnosis.
How can you treat hip labrum tears?
Most care providers recommend conservative treatment to help alleviate hip pain resulting from hip labrum tears. Some common conservative therapies include weight loss, injections like PRP therapy, physical therapy, activity modification, and NSAIDs.
If you have tried any of the above conservative treatments yet have not found relief, surgery may be the best solution to your concerns. The current technology allows surgeons to perform arthroscopy that focuses on removing the torn or damaged part of your hip labrum. Doing so helps smoothen out your labrum, thus promoting mobility and comfort of your hip joint. Therefore, you can consult hip specialists such as Alexander E Weber, MD, today, especially if you are interested in knowing the best treatment for your hip labrum tears. You can also consult with the specialist if you qualify for arthroscopy, especially if other treatments are ineffective.