What Is A Vaginal Yeast Infection?

The medical term for vaginal yeast infection is candidiasis. This condition is one of the most prevalent reproductive health concerns among women. A yeast infection is a prevalent obstetrics & gynecology Woodside concern that occurs when the bacteria and yeast cells in a healthy vagina multiply, causing symptoms like itching and irritation. Women need to be aware of the signs of a yeast infection to receive early diagnosis and treatment before complications occur.
It is essential to appreciate that sexual intercourse may spread yeast infections. However, vaginal yeast infections are sexually transmitted diseases because sexually inactive women can also develop the disease.
What are the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection?
One of the most crucial things physicians should include in patient awareness is vaginal yeast infection symptoms. When patients are aware of specific signs and symptoms of disease, they can seek necessary medical intervention to restore their reproductive wellness. The following are the most common signs and symptoms of vaginal yeast infection:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Itching
- Painful sex
- Soreness
- Rash
It is also essential for women to observe changes in vaginal discharge. Vaginal yeast infection may present whitish-yellow vaginal discharge. Some patients report watery vaginal discharge due to their yeast infection.
What causes a vaginal yeast infection?
The vagina contains yeast cells and bacteria that assist in various functions. Candida is a naturally-occurring microorganism in the vagina. However, these yeast cells depend on specific bacteria to survive. Lactobacillus is the bacteria that stimulates the growth of Candida.
Maintaining bacterial balance in your reproductive organs is essential to ensure that lactobacillus performs optimally. Ineffective bacteria function leads to overgrowth of yeast cells, which presents as a vaginal yeast infection. The following factors increase a patient’s risk of developing vaginal yeast infection:
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy
- Weak immunity
- Specific antibiotics
- Stress
- Hormonal imbalance, for example, during menstruation.
There are different types of Candida that cause yeast infections. It is vital to receive a laboratory test to determine the underlying type causing your symptoms.
How do physicians diagnose vaginal yeast infections?
The initial step your doctor will make when diagnosing the root cause of your symptoms includes reviewing your medical and family history to determine if you have had yeast infections or STIs before. Another crucial step is a thorough pelvic exam of your vaginal walls and cervix to detect any external signs of infection like swelling.
Although a physical exam may be enough for your doctor to confirm a vaginal yeast infection diagnosis, it may be necessary to sample vaginal cells for a laboratory test to detect any abnormalities. Physicians usually perform lab tests on patients with persistent vaginal infections. These tests are also part of regular gynecological visits.
How do physicians treat vaginal infections?
Physicians usually individualize treatment for vaginal yeast infection depending on the severity of the condition. It is essential to receive an accurate diagnosis of your state before trying out a specific treatment for your symptoms. Some of the most common treatments for vaginal yeast infections that physicians recommend to patients include antifungal medications. However, a patient still needs to attend follow-up visits to maintain and confirm vaginal health. Contact Raveco Medical to determine the best medicines to eliminate your yeast infection and restore reproductive wellness.