
How to Prepare and What Happens During A HSG Test

Your doctor may advise a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test if you are having problems conceiving to determine the issue. Here are some details on how to prepare for an HSG Celebration test and what happens during an HSG test;

What is a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a test that examines blockages or scarring that can inhibit pregnancy in a woman’s uterus and fallopian tubes.

These obstructions may result from abdominal surgery, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, Asherman’s syndrome, and infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

Although an HSG is intended to identify potential infertility causes, recent evidence suggests that the test itself may be able to increase fertility by clearing obstructions in the fallopian tubes. However, most medical professionals solely employ HSG testing for diagnostic reasons.

How to prepare for an HSG test

Many women take over-the-counter pain medication about an hour before HSG testing since it might induce painful cramps. Just make sure your doctor gives the go-ahead beforehand.

Also, some women take an antibiotic treatment as prescribed before an HSG test to lower the chance of infection. Take antibiotics precisely as prescribed by your doctor before your operation.

Finally, think about asking someone to drive you home after. Even while you could still drive if you had to, you may not feel your best and could be pretty distracted. A little additional assistance is always beneficial!

What happens during an HSG test?

Typically, HSG tests are carried out at a doctor’s office. Just like you would for a pelvic exam, you will be awake and reclining on an examination table with your feet raised. Typically, the whole process takes less than 30 minutes.

Your physician will use a speculum to open your vagina and clean your cervix. After that, the doctor will inject local anesthesia to numb the region, which might feel like a firm squeeze or pull,

After the place is numb, your doctor will use a short, thin tube or catheter to inject liquid dye into your cervix after the region has been numbed. This allows your OB/GYN to see the structure of your uterus and fallopian tubes and possible obstructions through X-ray. You may feel pressure or cramping feeling after the injection. In some instances, it is feasible that the dye’s flow may unblock an existing obstruction.

Next, your physician will take images of your fallopian tubes and uterus using X-ray technology. You may need to adjust your position to ensure that they can see everything. Once the images are obtained, the catheter is pulled out, and a radiologist examines them.

HSG test results

Your HSG test results are normal if the liquid dye passes through your fallopian tubes and leaks out, proving no obstructions.

Your HSG test result is abnormal if the liquid dye becomes stuck in your uterus or one of your fallopian tubes. Surgery may help remove the obstruction and increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Getting an HSG test is a personal decision, and you should discuss its pros and cons with your doctor. Call the Center for Reproductive Medicine to schedule your appointment to learn more about HSG tests.

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