How to Manage a Concussion and Associated Symptoms

Concussions are common traumatic brain injuries due to a direct blow to your brain. They can occur following a car accident or a slip or fall. You can receive concussion treatment Conyers to address and improve your symptoms through therapies that promote brain tissue repair.
The concussion treatment focuses on your mental well-being and related symptoms to avoid future recurrences.
What symptoms can you experience with concussions?
If you suffer a concussion, you might experience symptoms immediately, or they may occur later. They can include confusion, headaches, loss of balance, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and dizziness. You can also lose consciousness for a few minutes, but it doesn’t happen to every patient. It is crucial to seek medical evaluation even if you don’t have any symptoms.
The following are diagnostic tests that your doctor can use.
MRI with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with diffusion tensor imaging provides an image of the white matter in your brain. The test seeks to check the extent of brain nerve damage caused by concussions.
Videonystagmography (VNG)
The VNG test checks for balance disorders by checking your involuntary eye movement. During the test, your specialist will place you in a dark room with a TV screen and check your eyes’ response. Your eye movements can be jerky or steady or move up and down or side to side.
Balance tracking systems (BTrackS)
The BTrackS system diagnoses balance problems by checking your precise postural sway and offers rehabilitation services.
ImPACT testing
ImPACT testing is a computer-based exam that checks your cognitive function before and after a head injury. You will take the test before head injuries to establish a baseline if you are an athlete. If and when you suffer a head injury, your doctor will take another test and compare the results.
Treatment options
The following are common treatment options for concussions.
Physical and mental rest
Your specialist will recommend physical and mental rest to help your nerves and tissues heal after a concussion. Considering that loss of balance is one of the symptoms of concussions, physical rest will reduce the chances of falling and risking another head injury. Experiencing two concussions in succession can lead to severe brain damage.
Mental rest includes not solving problems that require a lot of thinking and concentration. It’s best to lie in bed and try to relax.
Vestibular therapy
Vestibular therapy is a form of physical therapy for your brain and other parts, including your inner ear, eyes, nerves, and muscles. Your specialist will encourage you to engage in specific exercises to reduce dizziness, headaches, imbalance, and neck tightness and pain.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, your specialist will provide pure breathing oxygen to heal your brain. The procedure improves your symptoms by promoting blood vessel growth and tissue repair.
If you have recently suffered a concussion and have symptoms like confusion or loss of balance, visit Spine Center Atlanta for treatment. The available specialists will thoroughly examine your brain and the degree of damage and offer suitable treatment for normal brain function restoration. Call or book your appointment online today.