You Can Reduce Heart Palpitations Using the Following Tips

It is natural to experience heart palpitations, and one might not be concerned initially. However, it could sometimes indicate a medical complication that requires treatment. Therefore, you should take action if you experience palpitations and get a diagnosis. Medical professionals like Dr. Bhupinder Singh Plano palpitation specialist, can help you understand your symptoms. The best part is that they can advise you on the necessary steps you can take to improve your condition and advise you on the necessary treatment. Here are some helpful tips for reducing your heart palpitations. Have a look. If you’re unsure how to implement these elements, resources such as meditation classes in Melbourne are valuable options to ensure your long term health.
Take it Easy
Heart palpitations are common in people who are too active or are physically overstretched. But there is a difference between increased heart rate due to exercise and heart palpitations. It can only be said to be heart palpitations when you experience unusual heartbeats. Generally, it is good to stop what you are doing and rest when you experience unusual heartbeats. Catch your breath, and you can call it a day or continue with your activities later. You can also adjust your exercise routine to a less strenuous one. Also, listen to your resting heart rate and seek help if you continue to experience palpitations.
Regulate Your Anxiety
Palpitations are also commonly triggered by moderate to high anxiety and stress levels. If you feel very anxious or stressed out by something, it would be good to seek help to manage your feelings. Remember that high-stress levels trigger the release of more stress hormones into your bloodstream, which contributes to abnormal heartbeats. It is good you manage how you react to stressful events and always seek support to avoid triggering palpitations. Deep breathing, tai chi, yoga, meditation, visualization, biofeedback, and other stress relieving techniques can help you improve your heart health and promote relaxation.
Keep off Stimulants
Some substances affect your central nervous system when consumed and can trigger heart palpitations. Illicit drugs, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and some over the counter medications can contribute to heart palpitations. If your heart palpitations are periodic, consider what you have been putting into your body and avoid them. Stop smoking, cut back on your caffeine consumption, stop binge drinking, and always pay attention to the ingredients in over-the-counter medications.
Try Coughing Severally
Forcefully coughing when you experience heart palpitations can help you manage the situation. Cough or clear your throat several times in the efforts of moving your diaphragm to stimulate the vagus nerve after increasing the thoracic pressure. But you must ensure that the coughing is forceful and sustained enough to trigger the vagal response. A single cough might not be enough and you might have to cough several times. Ensure that your mouth is clear of any food to avoid choking.
Make an Appointment with Your Doctor
Your heart palpitations could be caused by something serious that only your doctor can identify. Therefore, schedule an appointment with your doctor for accurate diagnoses and assess your risks for serious complications like stroke. Your provider will carry out a physical exam to your heart and to assess your heart health and get to the root of your symptoms.
If you are experiencing heart palpitations, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the specialists at Heart and Vascular Care led by Dr. Singh. You can make a call or schedule your appointment online to get started.