Hormone Therapy and its uses
Your body’s functions are controlled by various substances produced all over your body parts. Hormones are one of these substances used to trigger multiple body responses. However, your body may lack or have inadequate hormone levels to perform body functions properly. This has led to numerous treatment plans formulated to deal with this issue. An example of these treatment plans includes hormone therapy Covington. More about hormone therapy and all it is about is discussed below.
What is Hormone Therapy?
Hormone therapy is a form of treatment that involves enhancing your hormone levels to alleviate symptoms of a hormone imbalance. This therapy is typical for female patients and mainly replaces estrogen hormone, whose production stops when you get to menopause. This helps to treat specific signs of menopause like vaginal discomfort and hot flashes.
Hormone therapy can also help reduce the fracture and prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women.
Hormone therapy has risks that depend on the dose, type of hormone therapy, individual health risks, and how long you take the medication. It should be tailored to meet each patient’s requirements and be constantly evaluated to ensure the advantages outweigh the risks.
Hormone therapy mainly focuses on replacing the estrogen that is no longer made once you get to menopause. Estrogen therapy is of typically two types, including:
Low-dose vaginal substances
Low-quantity vaginal portions of estrogen reduce the amount of estrogen your body absorbs. This means that these preparations can only be used to deal with the urinary and vaginal symptoms of menopause. These products come in tablet, cream, or ring form.
Systemic hormone therapy
This estrogen form usually has an increased estrogen dose absorbed all over the body. This can deal with most signs of menopause. The therapy involves dosages in multiple forms.
Women who have not gotten rid of their uterus are prescribed estrogen together with progestin because estrogen on its own without the balancing effect of progestin can trigger the growth of the uterine lining, increasing the risk of endometrial cancer.
The advantages of hormone therapy can outweigh its risks if you are healthy and:
Have other symptoms of menopause
Estrogen can alleviate vaginal symptoms of menopause like itching, dryness, discomfort, and burning during intercourse
Have mild to severe hot flashes
Challenging menopausal hot flashes can be relieved effectively through systemic estrogen therapy
Have estrogen deficiency or experience early menopause
If you had removed your ovaries surgically before the age of forty-five, lost normal function of ovaries before forty, or stopped getting periods before forty-five, your body has been exposed to decreased estrogen compared to women undergoing normal menopause. Estrogen therapy can help you reduce the risk of contracting specific issues like heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia, stroke, and mood changes.
Need to prevent bone loss or fractures
Bone-thinning ailments can be inhibited through systemic estrogen. This therapy is suitable when other treatment plans like bisphosphonate medications have proven ineffective.
Your physician is best placed to determine whether hormone therapy is suitable for your condition as hormone therapy has risks, especially for women older than sixty or those with personal health risks. For any questions about hormone therapy, visit us online, or call our offices in Covington, LA.