Here is How You Should Handle a Non-Healing Ulcer

Vascular complications can restrict blood flow to your feet and legs and increase your chances of developing non healing wounds. When you notice your injuries are not healing, there is no need to waste more time. It would help if you had specialized care offered by the Yonkers wound care specialists. Without proper care, the injury can worsen and cause infections or other severe complications. Your provider can evaluate your ulcer and recommend treatment and necessary care regime depending on the severity and risks involved. Generally, here is what you should do if you notice a non-healing wound in your leg.
See Your Doctor ASAP
Non healing wounds or ulcers are prone to infections and can result in worse issues. That is why you should not hesitate on such damages. If you notice a sore on your foot or leg, see your doctor immediately, especially if you have diabetes. Your doctor will evaluate your condition and recommend the best course of action you should take. Your doctor will investigate your type of ulcer and its depth and see if an infection is already present. This will help them understand the best way to address the issue.
Let the Doctor Thoroughly Clean the Ulcer
During your visit to the doctor, your provider will assess your nonhealing wound and might have to remove all dead tissue and drain any fluid present in the damage. It only takes a few minutes but can be painful. Therefore, ask your doctor about helping you feel more comfortable since you want them to help you get better. Your doctor might use medical instruments and topical fluids to remove the dead tissues. Sometimes your doctor might have to get more profound utilizing a scalpel, and you will be given local anesthesia.
Consult Your Doctor About Culturing
You can ask your doctor if it is necessary to culture your ulcer, especially if it is infected. This involves testing for the bacteria in the wound to help determine the best treatment for the infection. This will help your provider pick the best antibiotic appropriate for the present bacteria to help speed up the healing process. Your doctor will only need to take a swab on the wound; it should not be painful and last for a few seconds.
Discuss the Best Treatment for the infected Ulcer
If your ulcer is infected, there are several ways to manage the situation. Your doctor will take you through your options to find the most suitable. Generally, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to take for several days as you help your wound heal. You must agree with your doctor if you receive topical or oral antibiotics. Choose what you think is suitable for you and be ready to stick to the treatment regimen.
Care For Your Ulcer
No matter the treatment you find best for you, your doctor will send you home, and you will have more to do for your wound care. Consult your doctor about your wound care regimen to clearly understand what you should do and what not to do. Generally, bathe the ulcer using lukewarm water daily, pat dry the area, apply a bandage, and take your weight off the ulcer. Pay attention to the wound and keep in contact with your doctor.
If you are having a wound taking a long to heal, it should be checked by a medical professional. Get in touch with the wound care specialists at Premier Vascular for help. Make a call or schedule your appointment online for more information.