Top 5 Shoulder Pain Myths You Should Put Aside

The shoulder is one of the most confusing and poorly understood parts of the human body. Due to the complex architecture, things don’t take long for things to go wrong with this body part. Regrettably, misunderstandings in this area can sometimes exaggerate the severity of small injuries or pain signals. It is important to learn the facts regarding shoulder pain Shrewsbury since numerous misconceptions about shoulder pain might discourage you from getting good treatment. Here are the top shoulder pain myths you should not believe:
1. Shoulder pain does not go away
One of the worst fallacies about shoulder discomfort is that it comes from the shoulder itself. There is a common misconception that a shoulder injury can never fully recover from. Not all shoulder injuries can be quickly fixed, but with medical help, you may discover something that works. Just make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible to get your shoulder examined. An assessment is the first step in developing a successful treatment plan for your pain.
2. Shoulder pain is best treated with heat, not ice
It is a common misconception that applying heat to a sore shoulder helps loosen up the joint while using ice will “freeze” things up and make them stiffer or more painful. The truth is that both ice and heat may be effective treatments for alleviating pain and inflammation. Nighttime ice on sore shoulders may reduce inflammation from the day, while morning heat application can loosen up tight muscles.
3. If your rotator cuff is torn, the only treatment option is surgery
Patients with rotator cuff injuries or rips may benefit from conservative treatments, including rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication. There would be no need for surgery if rehabilitation and medication were sufficient. Based on the extent of an injury, doctors will choose the most appropriate course of therapy.
4. Shoulder pain may become more severe with physical activity
If you are experiencing shoulder discomfort, you should avoid intense workouts. Shoulder discomfort and problems might be made worse by strenuous activity. As a result, it is crucial to seek the advice of a competent and experienced professional trainer. Depending on the extent of an injury, a trained physiotherapist might recommend certain types of exercise. It would help to speak with the doctor before beginning any workout program.
5. Pain and pathology have a connection to abnormalities
Shoulder discomfort may be caused by a wide variety of factors (some of which have nothing to do with the shoulder itself), but improper motion is not one of them. Please try to persuade your brain that ‘abnormalities’ in movement are not the primary source of discomfort since the brain plays a strong role in turning down pain signals.
The shoulder joint is surprisingly strong, mobile, and adaptable. By knowing what is true and what is not, you can choose what is right for your body. So, if you are suffering from joint pain, Acupuncture Health Services can be a good place to start. Schedule your consultation today.