
What should I avoid after PRP Injection?

Injections of PRP are used to treat a variety of orthopedic conditions and injuries. What is PRP? What are the types of PRPs? What precautions should I take after PRP injections? Let’s dig in.

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It is a concentrated form of the patient’s blood platelets. The platelets are concentrated by centrifuging blood from a peripheral area such as an arm or hand. The growth factors in platelets can help reduce pain and inflammation. They also improve blood flow, which helps to speed up the healing process. The indications of PRP include patellar tendon, hamstring, and Achilles tendon injuries, golfer’s elbow, mild knee osteoarthritis, and golfer’s elbow.

Different types of PRP

Do you know there are three types of PRPs? The type you use is crucial to your clinical improvements.

  1. Red PRP: PRP contains both white and red blood cells. This is the original PRP and was produced using older centrifuges. The concentration of red PRP is usually lower.
  2. Lower Concentration Amber PRP: The PRP has a color similar to amber and contains very few red and white blood cells. The concentration is usually lower, causing less swelling and tissue reaction.
  3. Amber PRP with a Higher Concentration: The PRP also has an amber color and contains only a few red and white blood cells. Most clinics use bedside centrifuges, making it impossible to concentrate PRP to higher levels. Florida Medical Pain Management understands the importance of different PRP concentrations for treating different conditions. Our stem cell scientists have created a state-of-the-art laboratory that can superconcentrate PRP for the best possible clinical outcome. In our current publication, we demonstrate that higher concentrations of PRP can be useful for tendon injuries.

Is it OK to Ice After PRP Injections?

Contrary to what many clinics and websites recommend, it is not recommended to apply ice after PRP injections. Inflammation plays a key role in the healing process. Ice can reduce inflammation and swelling, which may interfere with the healing process. Blood vessels shrink when exposed to ice, reducing blood flow, which is crucial for healing. Avoiding ice is one of the precautions to take after PRP injections.

How long should you rest after PRP injections?

After PRP injections, it is important to rest and allow the injected PRP to heal the affected areas. To achieve this, the PRP needs to settle. Platelets release growth factors and proteins that promote tissue regeneration and healing. Platelets release growth factors up to 7 days after injection. Exercise can displace the PRP, causing it to move away from the injection site and compromising the healing process. If your kneecap tendon has been injected, heavy weightlifting or running immediately following the injection could force the PRP out of the tendon. It is best to monitor pain and swelling closely during the first two weeks of rest, followed by a gradual return to regular exercise. After PRP injection, it is important to rest and avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise. This will allow PRP to work and promote healing.

Can I Drink Alcohol After PRP Injections?

Alcohol can affect platelet function, reducing platelet activation, aggregation, and response to enzymes and other proteins. Alcohol can also have an impact on stem cell function and number, compromising healing. The effectiveness of PRP is dependent on the body’s ability to heal. For maximum healing, commit to eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, and avoiding alcohol. Avoiding alcohol is one of the most important precautions to take after PRP injections.

In conclusion

PRP is the concentration of a patient’s blood platelets within their serum. Platelets are rich in growth factors and mediators, which reduce inflammation and improve blood flow, boosting the natural healing process. Different types of PRP are available at different concentrations. Avoiding ice and limiting alcohol consumption are all precautions to take after PRP injections. Use heat, rest, and a healthy lifestyle to achieve the best possible clinical result.

A medical professional wrote this article at Florida Medical Pain Management. Florida Medical Pain Management is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, and work injuries as well as PRP Treatment St Petersburg FL.


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